Jumat, 19 Januari 2018

22 Facts about Aries


1.             Aries generally get what they want one way or another.
2.             Aries are quite competitive, so only the best of the best can keep up with them
3.             An Aries won’t entertain your drama, so you can just sit there pouting and making a fuss, but they will be living their life.
4.             Aries is an active sign always on the move, restless.
5.             An Aries most attractive trait: confidence.
6.             Aries hate liars with a passion.
7.             Aries is a leader and a survivor.
8.             Aries gets irritated by people who judge them on matters they have no clue about.
9.             Never betray a loyal Aries, you wll never know what hit you.
10.        Aries relates best to those who are loyal.
11.        An Aries can’t fake a smile or hide their feelings when they are upset.
12.        Aries  are very loyal and will stand up for those they believe in.
13.        Once you have gained the friendship and respect of an Aries, there is only one way to lose it, lie.
14.        it’s hard for an Aries to just sit back and keep quiet especially when they know you are full of shit.
15.        Aries are born fighters, they aren’t afraid of anything or anyone.
16.        Playing with an Aries emotions is like playing with fire.
17.        Aries will not tell you if they are mad at you. They will act very moody to show you instead.
18.        Aries are crazy jealous, and possessive over their significant others.
19.        An Aries trust people easily. But when someone lies to them about the littlest things, it makes them think “what else are they lying about?”
20.        Aries becomes heartless with whoever breaks their trust.
21.        When an Aries is silent for a long period of time, they’re likely irritated and prefer to keep clm before they explode on you.
22.        Aries will do anything for family, Aries is the caregiver for all.

from: most posted on pinterest

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