Minggu, 03 Desember 2017

Direct / Indirect Speech

Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct Speech adalah kutipan asli sebuah pembicaraan, tanpa adanya perubahan. Penulisan direct speech selalu diikuti tanpa kutip, dan kalimatnya selalu dimulai dengan huruf besar, Contoh:
·         Andi said, “Open the front door, please!”
·         My father said, “I am very interested in you.”
·         He asked me, “Do you know what I mean?.”

Indirect speech (kalimat tak langsung) adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menceritakan kembali pembicaraan atau pendapat seseorang. Kalimat jenis ini sudah mengalami modifikasi. Jadi tidak sama persis dengan kalimat yang diucapkan langsung oleh pembicara aslinya.
Ada 5 pola kalimat Indirect Speech/Reported Speech dalam Grammar Bahasa Inggris, yakni:

  1. Indirect Speech dalam bentuk Statement.
    Statement ini mencakup pola kalimat positif dan negatif.
    (Positive Indirect Speech dan Negative Indirect Speech).
  2. Indirect Speech dalam bentuk Yes-no Question.
    Yes-no question adalah pertanyaan yang dijawab dengan /ya/ atau /tidak/.
  3. Indirect Speech dalam bentuk Command Expression (Kalimat Perintah)Kalimat perintah disini mencakup; kalimat perintah dalam bentuk nominal dan kalimat perintah dalam bentuk verbal.
  4. Indirect Speech dalam bentuk Prohibition (Kalimat Larangan)Probition/kalimat larangan juga mencakup; pola kalimat larangan dalam bentuk nominal dan verbal.
  5. Indirect Speech dalam bentuk Exclamation (Kalimat Seru)

Dari keempat bentuk Indirect Speech tersebut, kita juga akan membahas, bagaimana bentuk Indirect Speech dalam pola kalimat: Ajakan (Invitation) dan Question Word (phrases). Khusus untuk pola pertama telah dijabarkan di bahasan terdahulu mengenai:Memahami Direct and Indirect Speech dalam Bahasa Inggris.

- Pola positive indirect speech: She said that she knew everything.
Kalimat Indirect speech tersebut berasal dari: She says "I know everything".

- Pola negative indirect speech: She said that she didn't know anything.
Kalimat Indirect speech tersebut berasal dari: She says "I don't know anything".

Direct / Indirect Speech dalam bentuk Yes/No question
Dalam bentuk kalimat tanya (yes-no question), gunakan kata penghubung berupa: /whether/ atau /if/ dalam pola indirect speech-nya.
Direct speech:
He asked "Are you okay?"

Indirect speech:
He asked if I was okay.


He asked whether I was okay.
Indirect / Direct Speech dalam bentuk kalimat Perintah / Command
Pola kalimat perintah/command expression akan menggunakan kata (baca: preposisi bahasa inggris) "to" didepan kata kerjanya seperti contoh berikut ini:

Direct speech:
She orders "come here!" 

Indirect speech:
She ordered me to go there.

Oleh karena kalimat perintah /come here/ diucapkan oleh orang pertama dan kita/saya sebagai pendengar (yang akan mengulangi kata-kata orang pertama tersebut) maka; kata kerja /come/ akan berubah otomatis menjadi /go/ dan adverb of place /here/ menjadi /there/.

Contoh lain:
She asked "Please help me!"

Indirect speech-nya:
She asked me to help her.

 sumber : http://www.pelggrammar.com/2016/04/macammacam-indirect-speechbahasa-reportedspeech.html

Senin, 23 Oktober 2017

Conditional Sentences

Conditional sentences are sentences expressing factual implications, or hypothetical situations and their 

There are 3 kinds of conditional sentences :
1.    future conditional sentences (type 1)
used to telling or hoping a wish, a hope or a plan that might be happen one day.
form  : If + Subject + verb 1/es ,  Subject + will + verb 1
                     Subject + will + verb 1,  If + subject + verb 1/s/es
          ex      : If I have time, I will go to Chelsi’s party.

2.    Present conditional sentences (type 2)
conditional phrases used to express unfulfilled wishes, hopes, or plans, or fancy wishes that contradict the current facts.
form  : If + Subject + Verb 2, Subject + Would + Verb 1
            Subject + Would + Verb 1, If + Subject + Verb 2
ex      : If I had time, I would go to Chelsi’s party.

3.    Past conditional sentence (type 3)
used to assume events, wishes, hopes or plans that are no longer possible, because the actual events have occurred in the past.
form  : If + Subject + Had + Verb 3, Subject + Would/Could/Might + Have + Verb3
          Subject + Would/Could/Might + Have + Verb3, If + Subject + Had + Verb 3.
ex      : If she had got the money, she would have bought a car.

Conditional Sentences without “IF”
We can also make conditional clauses without if.
Study the examples given below.
·         If I had known his real motive, I wouldn’t have supported him.
We can express the same idea without if.
·         Had I known his real motive, I wouldn’t have supported him.
Another example is given below.
·         If I had realized the importance of physical training, I would not have wasted my time in front of the television.
The above sentence can also be written as:
·         Had I realized the importance of physical training, I would not have wasted my time in front of the television.
·         If problems arise, we will seek professional help.
The same idea can be expressed without if.
·         Should problems arise, we will seek professional help.
We can also make conditional forms by putting ‘were’ at the beginning of the sentence.
·         Were I you, I wouldn’t permit this. (= If I were you, I would not permit this.)
Conditional sentences can also be made with unless.
·         Unless you work hard, you will not pass. (= If you do not work hard, you will not pass.)

Source : Tumijo, 2009. Successful Strategies for Toefl. Pustaka Widyatama : Yogyakarta

Senin, 09 Oktober 2017

Active and Passive voice // Softskill

What is active voice?
Active voice happen in an action verb, the subject performs the action denoted by the verb. The subject in active voice is doing the verb’s action.
                        S + V + O
characteristic of active voice   :
1.      The subject of sentence in active form is at the starting of the sentence.
2.      Subject is followed by the form of ‘to be’, verb and object.
3.      We can say that verb is in the Active Voice.
4.      An active voice tells clearly about the action who has done it.
Examples of active voice        :
1.      Sue changed the flat tire.
2.      The boy kicks the ball.
3.      We are going to watch a movie tonight
What is Passive voice?
In passive voice sentences, the subject is acted upon by the verb.
                        S + to be + V3 + By…
Characteristic of passive voice            :
1.      When we change the sentence from active to passive voice, the object becomes the subject.
2.      We can use sentences with only transitive verbs in passive voice that is we can change the sentences having object into this voice.
3.      This form may or may not tell clearly about the action who has done it.
4.      To make clear the action who has done it we should add ‘by’

Examples of passive voice      :
1.      The flat tire was changed by Sue.
2.      The ball was kicked by the boy.
3.      A movie is going to be watched tonight by us.
source: thebestuknow.com/english-grammar/active-passive-voice/
What is Transitive verb?
Transitive verb is a verb that needs a direct object to complete its meaning. Bring, enjoy, and prefer are transitive verbs.
example           : She loves animal. (loves as a verb and animal as a direct object)
                          He buys chocolate for me. (uys as a verb and chocolate as a direct object)

What is Intransitive verb?
Intransitive verb is a verb that does not need a direct object to complete its meaning.
example           : We talked for hours.
                          They laugh uncontrollably.
                          source: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/grammar/transitive-and-intransitive-verbs

Simple Present Tense
Simple sentence present tense is a sentence commonly used when:
• Saying a word that is customary.
• Say something that is common.
• Saying an event that has been scheduled or planned.
v              Subject + Verb1/Verb-s/ Verb-es
Examples :
1.      I am a University student. (Saya adalah seorang mahasiswa)
2.      You are a singer. (Kamu adalah seorang penyanyi)
3.      I go to the library everyday. (Saya pergi ke perpustakaan setiap hari)
4.      We love Indonesia. (Kami cinta Indonesia)
Simple Past Tense
A simple past tense is usually used when:
• Reveals an event occurring at a certain time in the past.
• Reveals a recurring habit or event in the past.
v              Subject + Verb 2
Examples :
1.      I was so busy busy last week. (Saya sangat sibuk minggu lalu)
2.      I went to campus yesterday. (Saya pergi ke kampus kemarin)
3.      He always studied hard when he was a student. (Dia selalu belajar keras ketika dia masih menjadi seorang pelajar)
Present Continuous Tense
The sentence present continuous tense is a sentence used when:
• Ongoing events.
• Upcoming events, but the time is near.
v              Subject + Am/Is/Are + Verb-ing

Examples :
1.      I am watcging television now. (Saya sedang menonton televisi sekarang)
2.      We are learning mathematics now. (Kami sedang belajar matematika sekarang)
3.      Chelsi is reading a novel right now. (Chelsi sedang membaca novel sekarang)
Present Perfect Tense
The perfect present tense is usually used when:
• Reveals an action or activity that has been completed before now.
• Reveals an act or activity that was done in the past and still has something to do with the present time.
• Disclose an activity that has been completed, but the results / consequences can be felt at this time.
            Subject + Has/Have + Verb 3
Examples :
1.      I have been here for two hours. (Saya sudah di sini selama dua jam)
2.      She has eaten all the food. (Dia sudah memakan semua makanan itu)
3.      My friend has taught English since two years ago. (Temanku telah mengajar bahasa inggris sejak duaa tahun yang lalu)
4.      She has read this book. (Dia telah membaca buku ini)
Perfect Continuous Tense
Present perfect continuous tense is usually used when:
• Reveals an activity long enough, which began in the past and still lasts until now.
                        Subject + Has/Have + been + Verb-ing.
Examples :
1.      We have been learning English for ten years. (Kami telah sedang belajar bahasa inggris selama sepuluh tahun)
2.      My brother has been able to driving a car for two years. (sadara laki-laki ku sudah dapat mengendarai mobil selama dua tahun)
Past Perfect Tense
Past perfect tense is commonly used when:
• Reveals an action that occurred before any other action occurred in the past. So there are two actions in that sentence.
• An event or condition or event that lasted for a certain time in the past, but has stopped before now.
            Subject + Had + Verb 3
Examples         :
1.      He had been here before I came. (Dia sudah disini sebelum aku datang)
2.      Chelsi had lived in Jakarta for tn years before she moved to Amerika. (Chelsi sudah tinggal di Jakarta selama sepuluh tahun sebelum dia pindah ke Amerika)

Modal Auxiliaries
ü  Can – Could commonly used to express the ability, declare the possibility, ask permission, and the request or request is polite.
Examples         : Chelsi can speak English very fluently
                          Could you tell me your name, please?
ü  May – Might often used to express the possibility and request permission.
Examples         : Chelsi, you may go home now.
                          May I meet you now?
ü  Must is used for strong obligations.
Examples         : You must present your paper tomorrow.
                          You must be hungry.
Source : Tumijo, 2009. Successful Strategies for Toefl. Pustaka Widyatama : Yogyakarta

Selasa, 13 Juni 2017

Job Interview // Softskill

A list of  20 Questions in an Interview

 1.    Can you tell me a little about yourself?
 2.    Why do you choosed English Literature in University?
 3.    Who is paid you study?
 4.    Who is paid you study?
 5.    How did you hear about the position?
 6.    What do you know about the company?
 7.    Why do you want this job?
 8.    What are your gratest professional strengths?
 9.    Except formal academic, do you have other skills?
 10.    What is the meaning of working for you?
 11.    Tell me about a challenge or conflict you’ve faced at work, and how you dealt with it?
 12.    What’s your dream job?
 13.    What  are you looking for in a new position?
 14.    What type of work environment do you prefer?
 15.     How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?
 16.    What is advantage and disadvantage in work for you?
 17.    Do you have good relation with your friends?
 18.    Do you like working by yourself or by team?
 19.    Why should we hire you?
 20.    Where do you see yourself in five years?

Illegal question

 a.    applicants about:
·    age
·    race
·    color
·    gender
·    national origin
·    birthplace
·    marital/parental/family status
·    religion
·    disabilities

Because the face serious trouble if they follow discriminatory about  recruitment policies. Laws stop interviewers from invading the interviewee  privacy, but sensitive questions still arise in one form or another inside job interview

 b.    Explain how to answer the illegal question
When you got an illegal or inappropriate interview questions, be diplomatic in your self to response. You won't get hired if you misread the interviewer’s intentions and overreact when answer they question. On the other hand, they want to see how you handle delicate situations when they accept you. Give a brief answer to set limits to the topic and mention you’re happy to answer their question but aren’t sure how it relates to the job. That gives them a chance to explain themselves. And also stay confident to make them believe that you want to work for the company at all. 

 ·    Chelsi Claudia         12614341
 ·    Eliska Tejaningtyas    13614504
 ·    Joti Sukma Elita D     15614712
 ·    Namira Setiawardani     17614792
 ·    Rahwillisvy             18614824